Respuesta :
Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural nation. Different languages and cultures exist in Nepal, which have created a rich and unique national culture. Our national identity also depends upon this cultural and ethnic diversity. This ethnic and cultural diversity, which is also known as unity in diversity, is an important national heritage, which needs to be further strengthened. More attention and efforts are needed to promote and develop these languages and cultures on an equal basis. The laws of the land have clearly prohibited discrimination on the ground of language and ethnicity and guaranteed equal treatment to all languages and cultures. However, some anomalies and contradictions do exist in translating these constitutional provisions into practice. But the government has shown its seriousness in ensuring that there is no discrimination on the ground of caste, colour and cultures. The government has already announced a policy of providing primary education in the mother tongue of the different ethnic communities to promote and develop all national languages. For this, textbooks on different ethnic languages are being written. The success of Jana Andolan II has created a new sense of enthusiasm among all sections of the society, including dalits and janajatis, as the government has declared it will institutionalise inclusive democracy.
The government has also vowed to give due share in all sectors, including the bureaucracy and other decision-making levels. These commitments are being slowly translated into action. The government has been sensitive to ensure ethnic and gender balance in all sectors. Similarly, efforts are equally underway to preserve and promote all languages and cultures so that Nepal could be developed as a genuine mosaic of all cultures and languages. These are positive efforts that would certainly have a far-reaching impact for the equal development of all ethnic, lingual and cultural communities that exist in the country. Although the government is effortful, its efforts alone may not be sufficient. There should be equal efforts and contribution from all sectors for the preservation and promotion of this ethnic and cultural diversity.
The government has also vowed to give due share in all sectors, including the bureaucracy and other decision-making levels. These commitments are being slowly translated into action. The government has been sensitive to ensure ethnic and gender balance in all sectors. Similarly, efforts are equally underway to preserve and promote all languages and cultures so that Nepal could be developed as a genuine mosaic of all cultures and languages. These are positive efforts that would certainly have a far-reaching impact for the equal development of all ethnic, lingual and cultural communities that exist in the country. Although the government is effortful, its efforts alone may not be sufficient. There should be equal efforts and contribution from all sectors for the preservation and promotion of this ethnic and cultural diversity.