Respuesta :

Using a multi-bus architecture will really improve the speed and also increase the performance of your processor in execution of different instructions because using a multi- bus architecture will help in such a way that one device would be connected to one bus or less devices would be connected to one bus rather than in single bus architecture more devices would be attached to single bus. Hence, the delay in execution of instructions of the devices would be really less because in case of single bus architecture the delay is greater. How is that so ? Actually when an instruction is transferred by the bus to the processor from a specific device, the other devices wait for the bus to be free and transfer their instructions when the bus becomes free. Hence each device has to wait for the bus to be free and hence a delay comes in the execution of the instructions. Now in a multi bus architecture less devices are connected to a single bus hence the delay in the execution of instructions is less. Therefore, improving the speed of the execution of the program.