Surviving the Applewhites

1.What does Destiny do to his hair?

a. He cuts it.

b. He colors it with finger paint.

c. He makes it stand up in little points.

d. both b and c

2. Which butterfly is E.D. still trying to catch?

a. monarch

b. fritillary

c. fiery skipper

3. Jake begins to notice that no one in the Applewhite family cares about his

a. hairstyle.

b. smoking.

c. asthma.

d. none of the above

4. Who follows Jake everywhere he goes?

a. Cordelia

b. E.D.

c. Archie

d. Winston

5. Jake begins to feel like

a. he's homesick.

b. he's getting too old for school.

c. he's disappearing.

d. none of the above

6. Who grades E.D. on her projects?

a. Jake

b. Hal

c. herself

d. Archie

7. Why isn't E.D. able to work on her math?

a. Jake is busy surfing the Internet.

b. Jeremy Bernstein is hogging the computer.

c. lost her book.

d. Destiny broke the computer.

8. Randolph is surprise that Jake

a. is a good singer.

b. found the missing butterfly.

c. is good at giving Destiny a bath.

d. none of the above

9. What is E.D.'s reaction when Jake finds the butterfly?

a. She excited to finally see one.

b. She wonders how many more he found.

c. She's mad that she didn't find it.

d. She's glad her project is complete.

10. What does Randolph want Jake to do?

a. bathe the dog

b. try out for the musical

c. teach Destiny about butterflies

d. none of the above