how fast do I have to be going in a bowing 747 for it to explode and have everyone inside of it fly out and crash into the twin towers

btw did i mention how i'm a troll

Respuesta :

It doesn't have to go fast, it can cause severe damage even at cruising speed. 

But, it certainly would not cause fire. 

The top speed you need to reach is 747 miles an hour. Then you wanna fly towards another air plane and then fly above it. Deploy some ropes around it and take the plane hostage. Ask the government for a billion dollars or you drop the air plane over the troll towers. Once you have the money drop the plane over the troll towers but make sure the floor is duck taped so when it drops the duck tape comes off and the floor drops making everybody fall out. For the exploding part just feed a fat guy taco bell. (Dis a joke)