Can someone check my paper

Convince Me
Severus Snape is said to be a perfect character. After he is friend-zoned by Lily, it is made out to seem like he had such a awful life. But the problem with this is that having your female friend, that was never under the expectation to be in love with him, just your friend, reject you does not give you the right to make everyone's life and miserable and horrible as earthy possible. The emotional abuse that Snape put his students though is unprofessional for a teacher and really nobody should ever do what Snape did to a group of children. He threatened to kill a student’s pet. Then he made the same kid whose parents been tortured to insanity his biggest fear,. And to make Snape seem like an even better person, he spent his time at Hogwart trying to expose Remus. Severus Snape is not the saint that everyone makes him out to be.
Neville Longbottom had a toad named Trevor. His uncle gave Trevor to Neville when he got his Hogwarts letter. Neville had been thought to be a squib. A squib is a person born into a magical family, but doesn’t posses magic. His Hogwarts letter shows that he is a wizard and Trevor is a reminder that he does belong in the wizarding world. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Neville incorrectly brews a potion. When brewed incorrectly, he potion was fatal. Snape tells Neville that he would test the potion on his toad to see if Neville had made it correctly. Then when Hermione goes to help Neville fix the potion, Snape takes points from Gryffindor. But that’s not all he does to Neville.
Neville’s had problems with his parents. When Neville was baby, Bellatrix LeStrange, the Dark Lord’s most loyal followers, torchered his parents to insanity. After they were torchered, they no longer knew who Neville was. Snape, being the horrible person he is, emotionally abused the boy that in his third year there was a boggart in Defence Against the Dark Arts. When Professor Lupin asked what his biggest fear was, he said Snape. This is the child whose parents didn’t know who he was anymore because of Voldemort, and he was afraid of his professor. Hogwarts was supposed to be the safest place on Earth and Neville can’t even go to potions, without having to deal with his biggest fear. But Neville wasn’t the only person that Snape was awful to.
Professor Lupin was a werewolf. When he was himself, he was the nicest person around. But during the full moon, he was a werewolf. Snape was dead set on revealing Lupin to the rest of the world. When Snape was in school he tried everything to reveal Lupin. Then when Lupin go a job at Hogwarts, Snape finally succeed at exposing Lupin. In exposing him, he took away Remus’ home.
It is said that Snape love Lily. But in reality, he didn’t. He was obsessed with Lily, not in love with her. His patronus and James compared to Lily's showed the difference between Love and lust. When Snape asked Dumbledore to save Lily, he showed no interest in saving James and Harry. Then after Lily died, he stepped over James dead body and left her traumatized son in his crib and just clutched Lily’s dead body. That doesn’t show love. That just shows how crazy and obsessed over Lily Snape was.
Severus Snape in not the saint that everyone makes him out to be. He threatened to kill a child's pet, became the biggest fear of a child whose parents had been tourchered and didn’t remember him anymore, and messes a man who finally felt at home and got rid of him. Severus Snape is not a good person and Harry really needs to rename his child.

Respuesta :

I don't know a lot about papers but for examples, the sentence that says "Then after Lily died, he stepped over James dead body and left her traumatized son in his crib and just clutched Lily’s dead body."

The word JAMES should have an apostrophe.


"Severus Snape is not a good person and Harry really needs to rename his child. "

Instead of saying good try something like "pleasurable" or "delightful"