Respuesta :
I know this famous line "East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet" from Rudyard Kipling I think shows his love for British Colonialism in this case I believe in India and it suggests that the people of the east ie India and the people of Britain are mutually exclusive and can never reconcile their differences and also the assumption is that the white colonialists are superior to the Indian masses of people. He may have been right that the Indian people would not accept British colonialism ie that they could not reconcile with it and therefore struggled against it to eventually achieve independence but he certainly was not right that they had to submit to British colonialism and that they were inferior human beings.
I don't agree that difference is so radical that people from these cultures can't understand each other. Recently I've read Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It's a book about a man who moved to India from Australia. Here we can see how a person can change the country of living and get used to another people and culture.