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CAM( computerised Aided Manufacture) is when you have workers being helped by computerised tools, CIM (computerised intergated manufacture) is when the whole process is computerised, in manufacture this usually uses robotic arms. These can manufacture 24/7 in needed, they can work very accurately ( they are faster and stronger than a human arm)
What is the difference between CAD, CAM AND CIMCAD/CAM involves the use of computers to make Design and Manufacturing more profitable.

• Parts of CIM use CAD/CAM techniques and products to try and make the factory fully connected using computers.

• The essential difference is CAD/CAM provides the tools, CIM is the philosophy which is used when organizing the computers, programs, etc. and all the information that flows between them.

• Another way to think of CIM is that it allows the structure of an organization to be entered into the computers.

• CIM focuses on connecting the various CAD/CAM modules.