Respuesta :
Manolo me ve.
Tu nos buscas.
Gabriel y ana las buscan.
Ellas te traen.
Susana los mira.
Tu las traes.
Tu los traes.
Juan y María los buscan.
Andrés las trae.
Iván lo trae.
Tu nos buscas.
Gabriel y ana las buscan.
Ellas te traen.
Susana los mira.
Tu las traes.
Tu los traes.
Juan y María los buscan.
Andrés las trae.
Iván lo trae.
A direct object pronoun (un pronombre de objeto directo) replaces a direct object, that is a noun that directly receives the action of a verb in a sentence. Moreover, direct object pronouns in Spanish agree in number and gender with the nouns they replace. The Table below shows the different forms of direct objects in Spanish. On the other hand, there are two places where indirect object pronouns can be placed namely:
a) Before a conjugated verb.
b) Attached to the end of the verb. This is only true if the verb is not conjugated, such as infinitives or gerunds or if the verb is an affirmative informal command.
So, solving this problem we have:
Q1. Manolo _______ ve. (yo)
The right answer is:
Manolo me ve
In this sentence, yo (I) receive the action, so yo is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the first-person singular is me which replaces the direct object noun.
Q2. Tú _______ buscas. (nosotros)
The right answer is:
Tú nos buscas
In this sentence, nosotros (we) receive the action, so nosotros is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the first-person plural is nos which replaces the direct object noun.
Q3. Gabriel y Ana _______ buscan. (cucharas)
The right answer is:
Gabriel y Ana las buscan.
In this sentence, cucharas (spoons) receive the action, so cucharas is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person plural is las (for feminine nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.
Q4. Ellas _______ traen. (tú)
The right answer is:
Ellas te traen
In this sentence, tú (you) receive the action, so tú is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the second-person singular is te which replaces the direct object noun.
Q5. Susana _______ mira. (pantalones)
The right answer is:
Susana los mira
In this sentence, pantalones (pants) receive the action, so pantalones is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person plural is los (for male nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.
Q6. Tú _______ traes. (las cucharas)
The right answer is:
Tú las traes.
In this sentence, las cucharas (the spoons) receive the action as in the question Q3.
Q7. Tú _______ traes. (los cuchillos)
The right answer is:
Tú los traes
In this sentence, los cuchillos (the knives) receive the action, so los cuchillos is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person plural is los (for male nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.
Q8. Juan y María _______ buscan. (los tenedores)
The right answer is:
Juan y María los buscan
In this sentence, los tenedores (the forks) receive the action, so los tenedores is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person plural is los (for male nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.
Q9. Andrés _______ trae. (las frutas)
The right answer is:
Andrés las trae
In this sentence, las frutas (the fruits) receive the action, so las frutas is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person plural is las (for feminine nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.
Q10. Iván _______ trae. (el tenedor)
The right answer is:
Iván lo trae
In this sentence, el tenedor (the fork) receives the action, so el tenedor is the direct object noun. Therefore, the direct object pronoun for the third-person singular is lo (for male nouns) which replaces the direct object noun.