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The correct answer is the Mexican American War

David Wilmot was a Congressman from the state of Pennsylvania who wanted to ban slavery from exisiting in the new territories that the US received after the Mexican American War. This includes modern day California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, etc.

Wilmot's idea was met with fierece opposition from Southern politicians. This is due to the fact that this would result in a significant increase in power for anti-slave states in Congress. Southerners feared that if Northern politicians gained too much power in Congress, they would outlaw the institution of slavery all over the United States. This fierece opposition is one of the reasons why the Wilmot Proviso is never actually used.

The Mexican American War.

Further Explanation-

The Wilmot Proviso was championed by David Wilmot, a Pennsylvanian Congressman who wanted to ban slavery in all the new territories that had been conquered in the Mexican American war. However, the politicians from the Southern states vehemently opposed this, as slavery was a necessity to provide the manpower required for the cotton plantations in the Southern States. The Northern states were in favour of abolition of slavery, which was seen as a violation of human rights. The Southern states feared that if the number of states that opposed slavery would increase, the Northern politicians would be able to influence policies passed in Congress, and abolish the institution of slavery altogether. This is one of the major reasons why the Wilmot Proviso was never actually implemented in practice.

Although the Wilmot Proviso was unsuccessful, it had significant consequences. It showed the great divide in opinion between the Northern and Southern states on the institution of slavery, which would lead to the Southern states seceding from the Union during the build-up to the American civil war. The Proviso was part of the solutions proposed in Congress to integrate the newly acquired territories within the United States. The Wilmot Proviso proposed the abolition of slavery in the newly acquired territories, and the proposal was passed in the House of Representatives. However, it failed to be passed in the Senate, where the Southern States had greater representation. They did not want the politicians to have influence over the institution of slavery, which could lead to its abolition and the end of availability of cheap labour. The Southern Politicians were particularly averse to the high moral stance shown by David Wilmot while debating towards the cause of the Proviso and overtly rejected it on both economic and constitutional grounds.

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Answer Details-

Grade- Secondary School.

Chapter- The American Civil War.

Subject- History.


Slavery, proposition, House of Representatives, Southern States, newly acquired territories, cheap labor, economic and constitutional grounds.