A Look at Spreading Consumerism
On January 12, 2004, Hillary Mayell wrote an article for National Geographic News claiming that developing countries are seeing the spread of consumerism, to the detriment of the environment, health, and happiness. She cited the State of the World 2004 annual report of Worldwatch Institute: "Most of the environmental issues we see today can be linked to consumption," said Gary Gardner, director of research for Worldwatch. "As just one small example, there was a story in the newspaper just the other day saying that 37 percent of species could become extinct due to climate change, which is very directly related to consumption." Items recently considered luxuries—televisions, cell phones, computers, air conditioning—are now viewed as necessities. We are a world of consumers.
Preston is writing an essay on consumerism. In this draft, how does he explain the effects of consumerism?
A) The article quotes experts and statistics to support the claim.
B) The article uses vivid details and action verbs to support the claim.
C) The article combines humor and irony to convince readers of its claim.