
A 50 L cylinder is filled with argon gas to a pressure of 10130.0 kPa at 300°C. How many moles of argon gas does the cylinder contain? (Given: R = 8.314 L∙kPa/K∙mol)

Respuesta :

In this problem, we need to use the ideal gas law. The following is the formula used in ideal gas law: PV = nRT, where n refers to the moles and R is the gas constant.

P = 10130.0 kPa 
V = 50 L
T = 300 degree celcius + 273.15 = 573.15 K
R = 8.314 L. kPa/K.mol

To get the moles which represent the "n" in the formula, we need to rearrange the equation.

PV = nRT                      PV
----    ------    --->    n = --------
 RT     RT                       RT

          10130.0 kPa  x 50 L
n= ---------------------------------------------
       8.314 L. kPa/K.mol  x 573.15 K
  =  ----------------------------
         4,765.17  mol K

=106.29 mol Ar

So the moles of argon gas is 106.29 moles 


for plato its 106.32mL
