
Match your vocabulary words with their definitions.

1 .
groups living close to one another, but keeping their unique cultures

cultural convergence
2 .
wherein groups of differing culture meet and interact

cultural diffusion
3 .
the adoption of one culture's customs by another cultural group

cultural divergence
4 .
a government policy that restricts access to outside cultural influences

cultural mosaic

Respuesta :

The answer is:

1- Cultural mosaic is groups living close to one another, but keeping their unique cultures.

2- cultural convergence is wherein groups of differing culture meet and interact.

3-cultural diffusion is the adoption of one culture's customs by another cultural group.

4- cultural divergence is a government policy that restricts access to outside cultural influences.

The explanation:

1- cultural mosaic is when there are many people live in the same society, but they have a different language, and culture, for example in the USA there are many people live there but they speak different languages and have different cultures.

2- cultural convergence is when two culture interacts with each other and they start to exchange their ideologies, arts, science, and behavior of their culture together, this makes them with time have some similarities in their cultures.

3- cultural diffusion when a culture of a group of people start to exchange their different culture language, religion, technologies and spread to another group of people with different culture and they start to benefit from each other.

4- cultural divergence from the word "divergence" it is meaning that the culture between two people is going into two different way, in other words, their cultures are not similar to each other.


1 .  groups living close to one another, but keeping their unique cultures -- cultural mosaic.

2 .  wherein groups of differing culture meet and interact  -- cultural convergence.

3 .  the adoption of one culture's customs by another cultural group -- cultural diffusion.

4 .  a government policy that restricts access to outside cultural influences -- cultural divergence.


  • A cultural mosaic is the mixing of the different ethnic groups, like the USA. Religion, languages that co-exist in a society.
  • Cultural convergence is the theory that the two or more cultures will interact with each other more and more and thus will start to reflect each other.
  • Cultural divergence is the separation or the departing of two cultural groups or values in separate directions.
  • While the diffusion is the spreading of the distinct cultures from one region to another region.