Respuesta :

To the Greek region, as well as the Greek minorities across the Middle East, most likely considered Alexander a hero. Everyone who was conquered, which were tens of ethnic groups of people across miles and miles of land, most likely considered him a villain. 

Alex conquered with a hubris often seen in young dictators (ie. Napoleon, Hitler, etc), but unlike those other examples, Alexander never lost a major battle (as he never went north and invaded the Russian region). While he conquered, ruthlessly, Alexander tore down cultural centers and replaced them with things literally named after him (ie Alexandria, Egypt), which destroyed countless lives and ways of living in the process.

Alexander the Great was a villain, determined on wiping cultures out of his empire and replacing them with various "alexander" named entities.


0 He Inherited Everything.

9 Conquering Greece Was Easy.

8 He Was Handed Much Of The Land He Conquered.

7 He Cheated The Gordian Knot.

6 He Was A Drunk.

5 He Was An Egotistical Maniac.

4 His Legacy Could Be Made Up.

3 He Didn't Govern His Empire.
