Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
If you follow this road and go right by the pines (blank) there is a dirt road that leads to the lake.
Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
If you (blank) your sister to help us, she will probably listen to what you have to say.
Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
When people say, “know (blank) they mean that you should know your own thoughts and feelings.
Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
The guide at the ancient English castle told us (blank) must be careful on the stone steps."
Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
There was no train at the time we needed (blank) we took a bus because that was the next best choice.
Enter the word that best completes the sentence.
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
The woman took me in to her small cottage and asked (blank) I came, so I told her from London.
Where the blanks are is where the right word for the sentence goes and that's when you pick from the word bank and this the how the blanks look (blank) and this is how the word bank looks........
Word Bank
whence hence yon
beseech ye thyself
please help