Little Women by Louisa May Alcott After various lesser mishaps, Meg was finished at last, and by the united exertions of the entire family Jo’s hair was got up and her dress on. They looked very well in their simple suits, Meg’s in silvery drab, with a blue velvet snood, lace frills, and the pearl pin. Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament. Each put on one nice light glove, and carried one soiled one, and all pronounced the effect “quite easy and fine”. Meg’s high-heeled slippers were very tight and hurt her, though she would not own it, and Jo’s nineteen hairpins all seemed stuck straight into her head, which was not exactly comfortable, but, dear me, let us be elegant or die. “Girls, girls! Have you both got nice pocket handkerchiefs?” “Yes, yes, spandy nice, and Meg has cologne on hers,” cried Jo, adding with a laugh as they went on, “I do believe Marmee [mother] would ask that if we were all running away from an earthquake.” “It is one of her aristocratic tastes, and quite proper, for a real lady is always known by neat boots, gloves, and handkerchief,” replied Meg, who had a good many little ‘aristocratic tastes’ of her own. ////// How can the reader interpret the author's characterization of Meg? She is casual about her appearance. She prefers comfort over style in dressing up. She is overly concerned with her appearance.

Respuesta :

The comment, "after various lesser mishaps Meg was finished at last," indicates Meg is NOT casual about her appearance.

The fact that Meg's high-heeled slippers are too tight and hurt her feet but she will wear them anyway indicates that she does NOT prefer comfort over style.

Correct answer: The passage gives significant detail about Meg's appearance, and her comment about how you can tell a "real lady," with the author's aside that Meg has a good many little "aristocratic tastes" of her own all point to Meg being overly concerned about her appearance.