Vertical: opposite from each other (will have same degree)
Alternate exterior: the angles outside that are opposite of eachother (will have same degree)
Alternate interior: angles inside that are opposite of eachother (will have same degree)
Corresponding: the angle on the same side at the same level (will have same degree) example for corresponding: use picture for this question: giving angle 1 the corresponding angle will be 5 why?? They are both above the dividing line and are left of the parallel lines j and k
4. v 1,4 5,8 3,2 7,6
5. ae 2,7 1,8
6. ai 3,6 4,5
7. C 1,5 3,7 4,8 2,6
8. Angle 1 = 135 Given* other angle will be 45 *
Angle 2= 45 supplimentary angle add up to 180 (1,2)
Angle 3= 45 supplumentary angles add up to 180 (1,3)/ vertical angles =each other (2,3)
Angle 4= 135 vertical angles = each other (1,4)
Angle 5= 135 complimentary angles = each other (1,5)
Angle 6= 45 corresponding angles = each other (6,2) alternate interior angles = each other (3,6)
Angle 7= 45 corresponding angles = each other (3,7) alternate exterior angles = each other (7,2)
Angle 8= 135 alternate exterior angles= each other (1,8) hope that's not too confusing let me know if this helped