On a spinner, there are twenty equal-size sections numbered from 1 to 20. What is the likelihood that the spinner will stop on a multiple of 25?

Respuesta :

to find the answer to that find all the multiple of 25 that is in between 1 and 20 then but the number of multiples then put it of the number 20 and that is the fraction then convert the fraction to a percentage

Because there are no multiples of 25 on the spinner, the probability of landing in one is zero.

How to get the probability?

We know that the possible outcomes of the spinner are all the integer numbers in the interval [1, 20].

And we want to find the probability of landing on a multiple of 25.

Where the multiples of 25 are of the form 25*n, where in is an integer.

So the multiples are:

25*0 = 0

25*1 = 25

25*2 = 50

And so on.

As you can clearly see, there are no multiples of 25 on the interval [1, 20].

Then the probability of landing on a multiple of 25 is zero, because there are no multiples of 25 on the spinner.

If you want to learn more about probability:
