What are two countries that experienced the process of decolonization after World War ll. How did their movements for independence compare in terms of tactics, causes, or outcomes? Describe at least one similarity and one difference between the two. (4 points)

Respuesta :

Africa and Asia experienced the process of decolonization after World War II. Africa and Asia movements for independence had the same goals: political independence. The leaders of the independence were often educated. Both of the tactics always ended in violence war. The outcome was the same: the United Nations stepped in and provided a platform for anti colonial agitation. 


Following World War II, both Africa and Asia went through the decolonization process. The experiences of both processes are very similar. The movements for independence in both continents were oriented toward political independence and education was a key component of independence movement leaders' lives. Nevertheless, in both cases, the wars ended violently. Ultimately, the United Nations intervened by providing a platform for anticolonial protest for both decolonization processes.


That's a rewritten version of the other answer in case anybody needs it :)

Hope this helps someone <3