The suffixes -ible and -able mean able to be done Based on this understanding, you can infer that the definition of the word infallible is

A. a bias or natural liking for something

B. a task you undertake on your own

C. an event that occurs between two other events

D. something or someone that is not capable of making a mistake

Respuesta :

Infallible: Something or someone that is not capable of making a mistake.
The answer is D.


   D. Something or someone that is not capable of making a mistake.


  The word infallible comes from Medieval Latin infallibilis. It is a derivated of fallible which means: capable of mistakes. Which also has a birth word that is fail.

  By adding the prefix in- that means not, opposite of, the capacity of mistaking is canceled and therefore someone or something infallible is exempt from error in judgment, knowledge or opinion.

  I hope this answer helps you.