
Excerpt from: Feature Story: North Valley Updates Curriculum, Goes Green
Matthew Ramirez

1,Brilliant sunlight seeps out from behind a row of trees, and dewdrops illuminate slender blades of grass in a field beside North Valley High School. In the midst of this idyllic morning scene, a group of about twenty-five teenagers waits patiently. Half of the group members hold clipboards, and the rest carry a wide array of equipment, including nets, magnifying glasses, and vials.

2,Although passersby may mistake them for professional scientists, they are actually students in Mr. Hill's tenth-grade biology class. This class—among fifteen others at North Valley High School—is involved in an ambitious project to improve the environment and raise awareness of environmental issues in North Valley. The entire school district has adapted this year's curriculum to educate students about the issues that affect our planet.

Of the following group roles, which role have the students who hold clipboards most likely been assigned?
A) leader
B) recorder
C) timekeeper
D) information gatherer