Imagine a world without engines. This means there are no cars, trains, or planes. Imagine you lived in this world and compose a journal entry in which you describe an average day.
I woke up at the break of dawn this morning and decided to go down to the bay and fish for some trout. I saw some sheep grazing along the grass that was dancing joyfully along with the wind. As soon as I got to the shore, I picked up a stone and skipped it across the water. I fish for maybe an hour or so then ran back home with my book bag filled with a huge trout. I went back home and realized that I was exhausted. I took a nap and around noon, I woke up. For a while I sat out at the back reflecting on what I did. I picked up a breadstick and smeared some butter on it. After eating it I fell asleep again, tired from staying up so late the night before and waking up so early. I was not surprised when I felt my mom shaking my shoulder and telling me to get ready for school...