1. Why did the French get worried when the English began moving onto land the French had claimed?
2. What did the French build to keep the British colonists from entering French territory?
A. Traps
B. Walls
C. Border crossings
D. Forts
3. This person was told by big king of France to clear the English from French lands in America. Who is he/she?
A. Montcalm
B. Duquesne
C. Dinwiddie
D. Dieskau
4. What happened when the French found the British building a fort in French territory?
5. This young officer was sent to tell the French to leave the area. Who was he/she?
A. Dinwiddie
B. Montcalm
C. Braddock
D. Washington
6. Neither the French nor the British seemed to be seriously interested in avoiding a conflict. Why do you think this was so?
7. Why was it easier for the English to take over the continent then it would have been for the French if they have won?
Questions #1,4,6 & 7 are short answer questions and Questions #2,3 & 5 are multiple choice questions