Anyone bored enough to proofread my essay? (part 2) cites one reason for dads staying home is that some moms simply prefer to work. One working mother, Laura, confirms this, “Overall, I love working and having a career. I also don’t feel like I missed out on any of my children’s’ activities as they were growing up.” (Brusie) Studies show a working mother does not necessarily have negative impacts on the children. Some kids may receive some surprised reactions from their friends when they explain they have a SAHD, but most of these kids are just grateful they do not have to go to after-school care like many of their peers. Another misconception is that dads cannot do everything for their kids that a mother would do, which is simply not true. Providing care and attention is a job that either parent can do, whether the parent is male or female. Sure, a child may perceive her mom as better for shopping or haircuts, but then this task can be done in her free time. All this goes to show nothing is lost from having a SAHD, in fact, there are many benefits.
Due to the fact that being a stay at home dad is still considered an anomaly, some dads may feel alone in their decision. reminds them that there is nothing wrong with be a SAHD and to ignore the astonished comments of other parents. “Somebody's on babysitting duty today!" (Livingston). Whatever the reason for becoming a full-time dad, it is important to remember the benefits provided to the children. An involved father proves to raise a child with statistically higher grades, and a lower percentage of teen pregnancies. (“Advantages of the Stay-at-Home Dad”). Another benefit is a child with fewer mental disorders, and possible greater ambition. (“Advantages of the Stay-at-Home Dad”). Keeping all this in mind, is it hard to understand why a SAHD might feel awkward about the role they have taken on. However, many dads feel this way due to previously set gender roles from the aforementioned industrial age. To break down these stereotypes, it is important to spread the word of the benefits from the SAHD lifestyle. Without these family types, the world may never change, and mothers would continually be considered the only parent fit for the stay at home job.
One specific reason that is important to remember why a father would choose the SAHD lifestyle, is insufficient money to afford a babysitter or caregiver. Finding a perfect adult to watch and partially raise your child is a daunting task that can prove impossible without a certain steady income. Full-time nannies today cost, on average, $705 a week, a number that may seem impossibly high to average middle class families. (Lewis). Even the average babysitter makes over $13 an hour, which can take out a significant chunk of a family's paycheck. This is where the idea of one parent staying home is introduced, often it can be the mom, but sometimes not. It all depends on whose job has the most opportunities, and who would be more comfortable staying home with the kids. If the dad steps up, and is agreed upon as the obvious or best choice, then no father should feel ashamed of giving up their work life to take of their kid(s).
It is true that having two involved parents has a greater positive impact on the children then only one. However, this does not mean that a single parent, take the dad for example, cannot lead the child to a full and successful life. Since there were only six reports of stay at home dads in the 1970’s (Peck), there are few accounts of famous people raised by a SAHD, but they are soon to come. With all this positive data on benefits to children from a stay at home father, there are sure to be several well known do-gooders popping up, all (likely unknowingly) raised by a SAHD.
The huge increase of stay at home dads in the past few decades could be contributed to any number of reasons, but one thing is for sure: it provides many benefits to the children. Having two parents, actively involved in your life is a gift that reaps many benefits, and having a stay at home dad is the same way. “Something about children makes men gentler, kinder and more nurturing. This does not make them less of a man — and actually, it may make them even more of one.” (Whitman). Men who hold their babies close after childbirth, may find it impossible to part with them, making for the perfect stay at home father. Being a SAHD is not a typical job, and it can often be much harder, but the right parent to step up and take the challenge can change their child’s life forever. Fathers who take on the role of a stay at home dad will be forever rewarded with the growth of a healthy, happy child.