Formulated by Noam Chomsky, ------[blank spot #1]------- is a grammatical system in which sentence structures are derived by transforming basic kernel sentences. The system is also called -------[Blank spot #2]--------- .

Options for Blank #1
A.) Traditional
B.) Structural
C.) Generative

Options for Blank #2
A.) Structural
C.) Transformational

Respuesta :

Blank spot 1: Generative.
Blank spot 2: Transformational

I think.

The answers are:

Blank spot 1: Generative.

Blank spot 2: Transformational.

Generative grammar is a linguistic theory developed by American linguist and philosopher, Noam Chomsky. The theory considers grammar as a system of rules that are able to generate combinations of words that produce grammatical sentences in a specific language.

Chomsky´s earlier theories were called transformational and though they were later revised and adopted the name “generative”, it is correct to still call them transformational.