Respuesta :
1. In the African Savannah, the most famous example of predator-prey duo will be the relationship between the cheetah―the world's fastest land animal―and gazelle. With no place to hide in the open grasslands, the gazelle has no option, but to outrun the cheetah, and the gazelle―knowing that the cheetah is at its fastest when it runs in a straight line―does this by running in a zig-zag pattern. It's a classic example of the survival of the fittest.
2.After analyzing the number of lynx and hare pelts brought in by hunters, Canadian biologist, Charles Gordon Hewitt came to a conclusion that the two species are highly dependent on each other, such that the population of the Canadian lynx rises and falls with a rise and fall in the snowshoe hare population. Further research revealed that it was the food shortage resulting from the decline in hare population that affected the reproduction rate of this lynx species.
3. In the marine biome, the great white shark is the apex predator. It usually preys on elephant seals. For seals, the best line of defense is to stay on land. For the great white shark, its exceptional hearing skills help to locate the seal. It is not always possible for the seal to stay out of water, lest it can die of hunger. The moment it gets into the water, it is on the great white's radar. It all comes down to whoever blinks first.