
In a multi-paragraph essay, explain how the activity of individual neurons enables you to perform a simple action like answering your phone. Be sure to describe the main parts of a neuron, explain the unique function of each part, and describe how neurons use electrochemical signals for neurotransmission. Include details from class materials, readings, and research on the nervous system to support your discussion.

Respuesta :

"Simple" actions like answering the phone are the result of the orchestrated activity of billions of neurons sending signals to each other.

Tracing this to individual neurons is a bit like asking "how does the activity of individual transistors enable my computer to do a simple action like showing me a web-page?"

The layers of complexity that connect the individual elements to seemingly "simple" behaviors is immense. In the case of computers, we understand in precise detail how all the layers work because we designed them. In the case of the brain, there is still much to figure out. We know in considerable detail how biological cells work from the activity of individual molecules, but we still have much to learn about the brain and its relationship to the activity of neurons.