Respuesta :
The answer is (B). The Lady cannot leave the island due to a curse that was put on her.
b. A curse is on her that forbids her doing so.
"The Lady of Shalott" is the title of a magnificent poetic text by English romantic writer Lord Alfred Tennyson. In this poem, published in 1833 and reprinted in 1842, the author discusses the drama of a beautiful young woman living in a tower on the river Shalott Island, from where you could see the enchanted palace of Camelot, home of the legendary King Arthur. .
A terrible curse weighed upon her: she was forbidden to look at the city, under penalty of falling immediately dead. That left him the option to peer at the outside world through a mirror, embroidering everything he saw on a magical canvas.
One day, through the mirror, he saw Knight Lancelot, the champion of the Knights of the Round Table. Lost in love with him, she forgot his terrible curse. In love, she leaves the front of the broken mirror, gets into a small boat that rested under a willow, and drops it in the current