Respuesta :
Prejudice means you judge someone by a something general about them. Like race or gender. Bias means someone leans towards something. For example when discussing food someone is likely to favor foods they like.
"Bias can be defined as an inclination of temperament or outlook, especially a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment—i.e., prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair—for example, an overgeneralization.
Prejudice (prae=previous; judicum=judgment) can be defined as a preconceived judgment or opinion; an adverse opinion or leaning without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge; or an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, group, a race, or their supposed characteristics.
Reference: Hollinger, Paul C. “Understanding Bias, Prejudice, and Violence.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 2019