Summarizing and paraphrasing helps the writer
A. use evidence without citing a source.
B. avoid the need for citations.
C. include supporting evidence in a succinct manner.
D. eliminate the need for distracting quotation marks.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is: [C]:


"include supporting evidence in a succinct manner."


Consider the other answer choices provided:


Choice: [A]: "use evidence without citing a source." ; AND:


Choice: [B]: "avoid the need for citations." ;




Note that "summarizing" — and specifically, "paraphrasing" — REQUIRE the need for citing sources and using quotation marks when copying direct phrases from a source — and using sources to 1) give appropriate credit when due ; AND: 2) to avoid plagiarism.

In fact, failure to do so is a frequent type of "accidental plagiarism" in the academic community.


Choice: [D]: "eliminate the need for distracting quotation marks."

is INCORRECT. Refer to the explanation above. This answer choice is similar to: "Choice: [B]" .

→ Note that all paraphrased phrases — as well as quotations — MUST be put in "quotation marks" .


The correct answer is:


Answer choice: [C]: "include supporting evidence in a succinct manner."


Summarizing and paraphrasing does offer this advantage.
