Respuesta :

Here you can find 83.99 as a fraction, both as decimal fraction and in simplest form. We show you how to convert 83.99 to a fraction using the step by step instructions which can be found on our home page. There, you can also learn all about the others terms used in this article. If you have been looking for 83.99 in fraction form or 83.99 repeating as a fraction, then you are right here, too.

83.99 has 2 decimal places, so we put the decimal digits of 83.99, 99, over 1 followed by the number of zeroes equal to the number of decimal places, 2: 99 = 99/100. We add 83 as 8300/100 and get:

We can thus conclude that the question What is 83.99 as a fraction? does not have a single answer, but an indefinite amount of possibilities.