For 12 days, Keisha keeps track of how much water she drinks per day. Results are shown below.

1 1/2 quarts, 2 1/4 quarts, 2 quarts, 1 1/2 quarts, 1 3/4 quarts, 1 1/2 quarts, 1 1/4 quarts, 2 quarts, 2 1/4 quarts, 1 1/2 quarts, 2 quarts, and 1 1/2 quarts.

I believe average is 1 3/4 quarts per day.

On how many days did Keisha drink at least the average amount of water??

On day 13, Keisha drinks 1 quart of water. How does his affect the average amount of water she drinks?? Explain.