Respuesta :

Hey there! I'll try to answer this as best as I can :)

As a Student: Using credible sources is very important as a student, whether it's middle school, high school, or college. If you use sources that could be changed at any second (like unverified sources) it's not giving the solid and true information, this could end up as a bad grade. The reader should be able to trust the information given.

As a healthcare professional: Did you know you could be sued for giving bad information as a doctor or healthcare provider? This is only one way, you could also be leading the customer or reader to harm, using sources that aren't verified could end up very badly for your career, 

Hope this helps!
Using credible sources is important no matter who you are.  

As a student, it is important for two main reasons.  1.  Say you are making a history report.  You need to make sure you get the right information for you report.  You don't want to get information that is false, because then you will get a bad grade on the assignment.  2.  You also need to be able to demonstrate that you are capable of acquiring proper data.  This is a very important skill to have.

As a healthcare professional, using credible sources is crucial.  I am not a healthcare professional, but, say for example, you need to research a certain disease that your patient has.  If get false info on this disease, you patient may not ever be cured of this disease.

So in the big picture, using credible skills is important because it is a real-life skill that helps no matter what job you need to do.

Hope this helps! :)