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Ionization energy is a periodic trend related to removing electrons.

Ionization Energy Definition

Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom. Remember that when an electron is removed, the atom gains a positive charge. The ionization energy of an atom is related to the octet rule. Atoms are most stable when their outer electron shell is full. So, atoms will either accept or lose electrons in order to ensure that their octet is filled. Atoms with almost empty shells will lose electrons, and atoms with almost full shells with gain electrons to become more stable.

Ionization Energy Trend

To understand ionization energy trends, it is important to remember that the universe will always attempt to enter stable conditions. So, things that increase stability will require less energy. Since electrons with almost empty shells become more stable when they lose electrons, they have lower ionization energy. On the other hand, electrons with almost full shells lose stability when an electron is removed. Thus, they have high ionization energy.

On the right of the periodic table, atoms have more valence shell electrons, thus they will have a higher ionization energy.