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      It started with the tv, the mind numbing lost hours that subconsciously told us what we needed to buy. It fashioned the choices we were to make. It provided the answers to what will i wear, where will I go, how should I look, should I eat, can I profit, what will I think. And the worst one of all, the individual smasher of confidence that makes sheep of everyone who falls prey to the tv, , , ,what will THEY think? It's impact as a weapon of destruction culminates with causing us to worry about how others perceive us. It causes many to forget their childhood fantasies that ooze individualism, to fall into place as just another worker bee for the money machine. Make the population insecure about themselves, and you squash any stand out individual that just might see things for the way they really are. The internet is just an interactive life force extractor, instant gratification giver, and faceless place to fit in. Again the selling of the desire to fit in. Dead replica's