Question 2 (10 marks) You have studied very hard in MMGT6012 and fuelled by a passion for data and analysis you have obtained employment in the Council of the European Union as a data protection officer. Your role is to ensure that all organisations (big and small) are adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You have noticed that the way in which EU Inspectors are assigned to organisations is inefficient and, being so passionate about data, you decide to work out an inspection schedule that is far superior. There are two types of businesses that the EU needs to inspect; those that are classified as large and those which are small, and inspections are conducted in teams of three people (one person to inspect the systems and servers (who has 28 hours of time per week), another to examine data handling processes (available time of 30 hours per week): and a third to check the governance and documentation surrounding data privacy (36 hours per week of available time). You estimate that it takes 4 hours to inspect the servers of a small business and 2 hours to inspect a large business (since small businesses have less organised systems), 2 hours to inspect the data handling processes of a small business and 6 hours for a large business, and lastly governance inspection takes approximately 4 hours for a small business and 6 hours for a large business. Q2A) What are the decision variables? Q2B) What is the (verbal and mathematical) objective function? Q2C) What are the (verbal and mathematical) constraints? Q2D) What is the optimal value of the objective and how is it achieved? Q2E) What recommendations do you have for the EU based on all the output that you can generate from solving a Linear Programming problem in Excel? Q2F) How could you improve this analysis given the results of the linear programming model? Submit Assignment