
Does anyone know these meanings (slang/phrases/other words/sentences)

1. off'n
2. edercate (educate??)
3. jest grip
4. j'int
5. fo' castle
6. under' jawed
7. ornery (ordinary?)
8. wan's
9. Cavorting
10. Cipher
11. roused
12. dilapidated
13. infernal reminiscence
14. tranquil countenance
15. thronged
16. shucked
17. garrulous
18. lurking suspicion (I know what it means, I just want a certain definition?)
19. "ran a vein of impressive earnestness"
20. "the big flume" (flume?)
21. queer
22. serenely
23. solittry
24. feller'd
25.reg' lar (regular?)
26. dangdest feller
27. Warn's
28. inftnit
29. exhorter

*Yes some of them are western accented, I have no idea what they mean with those words?? Also these words are from "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" book by Mark Twain

Respuesta :

1 often, 2 educate, 3 just grab, 4 back or end, 5 forecastle (upper deck of a sailing ship), 6 bottom part of the jaw or mouth, 7 ordinary, 8 wasn't, 9 dancing or jumping, 10 get (please consider the context though as there could be more than one meaning), 11 raised or stood, 12 a state of disrepair or ruin in reference to an object or building, 13 irritating recollection, 14 calm face, 15 filled or to be present in a place or area OR in great numbers, 16 removed, 17 excessively talkative, 18 of a latent or discernable state of a presenting threat, 19 a path that shows grand sincerity and intense conviction, 20 an artificial channel carry water (usually for the transport of logs) (PLEASE refer to your text as there are other definitions, make sure it fits), 21 strange/odd OR spoil/ruin, 22 peaceful or calm, 23 single or one, 24 refers to a person or man (feller, fellow, fella, etc.), 25 regular or regularly, 26 type of person or type of man, 27 weren't or wasn't (refer to your context for the appropriate verb subject agreement, it must make sense), 28 infinite, 29 one who exhorts is one who encourages, 30 usually ones ability to convince or persuade others.