Write an article critique on the paper by not only give critical and negative feedback on an article, but both positive praise and negative criticism on the paper. Then you should apply these papers’ results and recommendations to your own current company in the form of an action plan. Your report should provide the following information and analysis: In 500 words, start with a summary of article and followed by a critique of the paper which should include the credentials of the author/s; whether the chosen methods appropriate to answer the research question; whether there is evidence of biasness or a conflict of interest; whether the article is timely and relevant or is it outdated and whether the author/s ground their research in theory and previous literature. Then based on your recommendations from the article, provide an action plan for your current company. This part should be written in 500 words which makes the whole assignment in total 1,000 words.
Article : Strategic Planning Process and Organizational Performance in Nigerian Public Sector : A Review of Literature.