HELPLS marking as brainliest and giving all my points i have
Us history
Directions: research about Great Depression and World War I (1929-1945) and create a "Time Capsule" from that decade.

1. Cover Sheet
a. Includes decade selected
2. Timeline listing 20 important events, people, legislation, court cases of the decade
a. 1 sentence and image describing each
3. Table of contents listing the 10 artifacts found in the time capsule
4. Find 10 artifacts such as pictures, videos, documents, objects and more!
a. These artifacts should relate to the social, religious, economic, military, pop culture, music, art.
b. 1 sentence describing the artifact
c. 1 sentence explaining its significance to that era
5. Reflection
a. 1 paragraph telling me what you learned from working on this project