1 ANSWERDavid W.Martinsburg, WV2 0My bank takes the day's checks (and other debits) out before putting the day's deposits in. So, if I have a balance of $86 and deposit $100 and they cash a $100 check the same day, I'm overdrawn! Now, depending on the bank, They may not allow you to withdraw $98 from your account! (they are very good at knowing whether you have sufficient funds for a transaction). Because I'm a good customer (and I requested this service), my bank would put any overdraft (that is, too much debit) on my credit card and charge me a very large monthly interest rate (so I try to know my balance at all times). If this is a trick question, say, "You can't withdraw $98 if you have a balance of only $85." If they are serious (and your bank is kinder than mine), you could have a negative balance (ouch!) of $86 - $98 = -$12. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number (ignoring the sign), then place a negative sign on the result..