30 POINTS NO FAKE ANSWERS OR ELSE I WILL REPORT For this assessment, you will write a short story.

1. In your story, you will pretend that you are traveling in an area and notice different plants, animals, and other species. You can use your imagination and create pretend organisms, or use examples of real organisms.

2. You will use examples that demonstrate each of these types of relationships: predator-prey, commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. You may not use the same examples given in this lesson.

3. In your story, be sure to compare and contrast the relationships that you observe. Each time you present a new example compare it to a previous example. You may want to use the chart in the lesson for guidance.

Respuesta :

Okay here I go.....

 I was walking through a dense forest. I could smell blood in the air, something had just caught their dinner I thought. I turned to my right  when I heard the sound of crunching bones. There was a leopard to distracted with hawk it was feasting on to notice me. I remember seeing a hawk before this, it was carrying a snake in its talons most likely to feed its chicks. My wandering thoughts were broken by the sounds of squeaky cries. I looked above me and saw three small chicks crying out for their mother. A snake curled its long body around the thick branch craning its head over the defenseless chicks. I shuddered and was about to keep going when I heard a little thud. I whipped around quickly, a little chick fell out of the nest. I was still alive but struggling to adjust itself. I was temped to save it but I stopped when I realized that the army ants had already reached it. its feathers and skin will be dissembled for the fat queen that rests under ground. That is if she is still there. Shaking the terrible sight I just saw out of my head I ventured forward. I reached I small creek I bent over and to take a few sips. I looked up to a family of monkeys eating juicy fruits. It was funny to watch them eat messily. It is also funny to think that a huge tree is there meal and there home. I started laughing real hard and attracted the attention of a baby monkey it started lowering itself but lost its grip and fell into the water. His life ended really quickly when a crocodile chomped it down. I was so made I took my rifle and shot it in the head. My family will be pleased with what I am bringing home for dinner tonight. :) I hope you like it