You have two coins, a blue and a red one. You choose one of the coins at random, each being chosen with probability
1/2. You then toss the chosen coin twice. The coins are biased: with the blue coin, the probability of heads in any given toss is 0.8, whereas for the red coin it is 0.2.

Let B denote the event that you’ve picked the blue coin.
Let Hi denote the event that the i-th toss resulted in heads for i = {1; 2)

Events H1 and H2 are independent by assumption.

(a) Compute P(H1):
(b) Compute P(H2):
(c) Compute P(H1 ∩ B):
(d) Compute P(H1 ∩ H2).
(e) Are events H1 and H2 independent? Why?
(f) Compute P(H2 | H1).