In CT bone window is set at a width of 467 with the center at 998, the range of CT جمع وطرح numbers that will be the diplayed as back is Select one 732 764 -266 -32 32)The exposure measured using a pencil ionization chamber of length (100 mm) for a phantom slice of thickness 5 mm at the central and peripheral was 26.2 R and 7.3 Rrespectively, so the calculated weighted computer tomography dose index is: (conversion factor: 0.75 rad/roentgen) Select one: 318.24 174.20 212.16 310.44 33)In four-detector array helical CT scanner with detector width of 13.9 mm, table translation per gantry rotation is 7.3 cm, the absorbed dose ratio compared to the dose absorbed by axial CT is Select one: 7.76 405.88 0.76 21.01 30 34) In CT, if the detected source to transmitted intensity ratio using the CT fourth generation is 5.5 and the ratio of the same tissue was detected as 7.6 using the CT third generation, then the gain ratio of the source beam detector to tissue.