Respuesta :
The term "tabula rasa" means blank slate. It is the view that humans acquire all or almost all their behavioral traits as they mature. It also views human developmental psychology come almost exclusively from environmental influences. as both the nature and the nurture factors were found to contribute substantially, often in an extricable manner.
In our current justice system there our people on both sides of this psychological fence. Some believe that criminals begin with a clean slate, but by the time they enter the penal system, as an offender, their slate is so marred that most don't deserve a second chance. And all too often this same belief follows the paroled individual beyond the prison walls. After their release they are, all to often, unable to get a decent job that will pay their bills to keep a dry roof over their heads.
On the other hand, their are also those that advocate for these lost citizens. They believe that once they exit prison, they should be given a new "clean slate". Society should be more accepting of them and their continued plight. Should their crimes (paid by years behind bars) follow them al the remaining days of their existance? These doers-of-good-deeds would shout a resounding, "No". Let the former inmate be rid of his title of "criminal". Allow him or her to rejoin society with all of its perks. Don't force him to put on a job application, "I was in prison for burglery".
The choice is up to our nation as a whole. Too often it may be our own doing in pushing them back into life of crime by not giving them the tools and opportunities which should be afforded a free man.