Symbolize the following, using the abbreviations given.
note: U.D. = people
Ax: x is arrogant
Cx: x is a chemist
Dx: x is a drug dealer
Sx: x is smart
Hxy: x hates y
Rxy: x respects y
Txy: x trusts y
Kxyz: x convinced y to kill z
j: jess
g: gus
m: mike
w: walter
1. if he's smart, jess wont trust anybody
( words smart, jess, trust are underlined)
2. Gus convinced Mike to kill everyone that he (Gus) hates.
( Gus at the start of sentence is underlined, mike, kill, hates is underlined)
3. Jesse respects Gus, but he doesnt trust him.
(words respects, gus, trust are underlined)