true or false
______ Large hailstones require a strong updraft.
______. A layer which a hailstone acquires through wet growth is generally clear.
______. Hailstone growth requires the liquid phase of water.
______ Hailstones come in a variety of sizes and are not always round and smooth.
______ The strongest winds of a downburst occur in the stagnation cone.
______ Like strong tornadoes, large hail can form in supercell thunderstorms.
______ Thunder always occurs before a lightning stroke.
______ The upper region of a thunderstorm cell is negatively charged.
______ A lightning stroke can heat the air to as much as 50,000 °F.
______. Most lightning is cloud-to-ground.
______. A wet downburst is one in which precipitation evaporates completely before reaching the ground.
______ Dry downbursts are common in Utah during the summertime.
______ Many forest fires in the western United States are caused by dry lightning.