Remember this is a virtual lab. You do not need to actually perform these steps, but follow along and
collect the data!
1. Measure out 100 mL of water into three beakers and label them A, B, and C. Beaker C will
be the control.
2. Then measure 50 grams of unknown compound A into beaker A and stir for one minute.
Measure the amount of undissolved solute and record this in Table 1.
3. Then measure 50 grams of unknown compound B into beaker B and stir for one minute.
Measure the amount of undissolved solute and record this in Table 1.
4. Next, we will test the boiling point of each solution. Place each beaker onto a hot plate.
5. When the solution bolls, use a thermometer to record the temperature. Record the boiling
point for each solution in Table 2.