Respuesta :

the answer is The Triangular trade


Trade System


The commerce/trade system arises at the beginning of the 1500s with the desire to obtain metals and precious stones for the wealth of the country.

In Britain, feudalism was in force. However, the economic system had to be replaced by commerce/trade to increase financial income in Great Britain.

How trade takes place in Britain, was from the possession of Colonies.

The Colonies served to produce goods and generate an economic income in Great Britain.

England considered that the greatest wealth comes from higher exports and imports less, and that is why it introduces fiscal policies.

Britain Limited the colonies to import products and only consume what was generated in Britain.

Everything that the colonies exported before being distributed throughout Europe had to go through control in England; this served enough for the economic increase of that country

They were prohibited from manufacturing, and their economic system was controlled by a monopoly

Except for precious stones or metals, they should be traded for the benefit of the country.

However, there came a time when different types of economy arose where they put trade as the only source of negotiation.