The paragraph that begins an essay causes students the most trouble, yet it carries the most importance. Although its precise construction varies from genre to genre and from essay toessay, good introductory paragraphs generally accomplish the same tasks.The introductory paragraph to an essay usually attempts to do three things:Introduce the topic with some indication of its inherent interest or importance and a clear definition of the boundaries of the subject area.Indicate the structure of the essay, often with major sections of the essay or its structural principle clearly stated.State the thesis of the essay, preferably in a single, arguable statement with a clear main clause.Not every essay does all three in the first paragraph, and the degree to which an essay declares its structure may vary widely, depending on how necessary that information will be to the readers. Sometimes, the entire first paragraph will serve no other purpose than to generate interest in the subject or raise a question, leaving the other tasks for the second paragraph.However, this kind of opening requires a lot of skill, and you can lose your readers in the second and third paragraphs if you do not make your purpose clear.As I'm not really good at writing, I would recommend you to check how can Supreme essay guys help you. They are real professionals in what they do. So you can definitely give them a try.