Respuesta :

The letter Q was not deleted from Irish. Irish is a Celtic language that is still spoken and written in Ireland and parts of Scotland. The Irish alphabet consists of 18 letters and includes the letter Q. The letter Q is pronounced as "k" or "kw" in Irish, and it is used in a number of Irish words, including "qúinn" (queen), "qúin" (queen), "qúip" (quip), and "qúinín" (quine).

Answer: It's worth noting that the Irish have undergone a number of changes over time, and some letters that were once used in the Irish alphabet are no longer used. For example, the letters J, K, V, and W were not originally part of the Irish alphabet, but they were later adopted and are now used in Irish. However, the letter Q has always been part of the Irish alphabet, and it continues to be used in the language today.