Respuesta :

Giving reassurance to study participants about how their personal information will be secured is one of the most important components of protecting those people. This includes preserving participants' privacy, keeping data secret, and/or enabling participant anonymity.

What is subject protection in research?

  • In order to protect the rights and welfare of people who take part in research as its subjects, federal, state, and university rules, procedures, and ethical concerns are together referred to as "human subjects protections."

Why is protecting human subjects in research important?

  • We are moral beings, and society has put laws in place to ensure that subjects are protected with at least the bare minimum of morality.
  • The purpose of society's research depends on subject protection because unwilling participants won't sign up for studies if there is a serious risk of injury.

Giving reassurance to study participants about how their personal information will be secured is one of the most important components of protecting those people. This includes preserving participants' privacy, keeping data secret, and/or enabling participant anonymity.

To know more about human subject protection, visit: